Did you get blocked from liking by Instagram recently?
If this is your first time experiencing this there’s only one thing I can tell you…
Welcome to InstaJail!

Congratulations and now, you’ll be learning from this experience. Just calm down and try not to freak out. You’re not alone.
Many people are experiencing this issue, mainly because social media sites are for… well, connecting, interacting and engaging… and some of us usually get carried away by following as much as they can and as fast as they could.
Whether you’re temporarily banned from over liking, commenting or following it’s more likely that you’re using the features too fast. This is a very common problem, especially if you’re a blogger or a digital marketer.
But why is this happening? Why is Instagram too strict about it?
Social media is a very powerful marketing tool, as most people nowadays are using it almost every minute. Spammers are taking advantage of this, they use automated tools to like, follow and comment on as many as possible. Like other social media networks, Instagram has certain limits with this too. So, if you like, follow or comment too fast or too many, Instagram will see you as a bot and would block you from using these features
So, what to do to get yourself unblocked by Instagram? Here’s what worked for me:
Take a 2-3 days rest
Okay, I know this is the hardest part… waiting. Have patience. Don’t risk it! And think of the bright side, you’ll have a timeout and unplug yourself from one of these social sites and have more time for socializing personally. ^_^ Don’t even do anything once Instagram lifted the flag on the first day. Take my advice… leave your Instagram alone, 2-3 days at least.
You’re not a spammer! Let Instagram know
You know how bots operate? It accepts the command and would initiate it at a given time. So for example, I told my bot to follow for like, 30 mins. It’ll just basically do that. Follow for 30 mins.
Don’t be a bot.
Enjoy your feed. Like a picture, then drop a comment. Like a post and follow the user, Upload a new photo and start replying to the people who commented on it.
Interact. Engage.
Don’t just follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, like, like, like, like.
Be a normal user. Do things randomly.
Take a rest from interacting
Again, you’re not a bot, you’re not a spammer, and normal people tend to get tired occasionally. Be sure to have a 10-15 sec pause in between all your actions and a few minutes break too.
Are there a number of limits to features?
According to this post on Quora, there are safe limits on how many follows, likes, and comments you can do per hour or per day. But remember this depends on your account. If your account is an old one ( 3 months+ ) and an active one, you can use this ranges as your guide:
Follows: 200 / hour
Follows and Likes: 2000 (1000 +1000) per day
Unfollow: 1000 per day
If your account is basically new or olf but inactive:
Follows, likes and unfollows 500 per day.
My advice on these limits?
Use it carefully, as we can’t be too sure. I do follow these limits myself ( whenever I have time to monitor my follow count) but I go below these limits too. Just to be sure.
To avoid being flagged again, have a slow and steady routine to grow your account, remember building a network based on a targeted and real followers is desirable than having a large uninterested fan base.
Have you experienced being banned by Instagram before? How did you manage to get out of it? Share your experience in the comment below, it would be awesome to hear your story.
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Check out my list of services here.